
Installation and configuration details for Kyverno using Helm or kubectl.

Kyverno can be installed using Helm or deploying from the YAML manifests directly. When using either of these methods, there are no other steps required to get Kyverno up and running.

Compatibility Matrix

Kyverno Version Kubernetes Min Kubernetes Max
1.4.x 1.16 1.21
1.5.x 1.16 1.21
1.6.x 1.16 1.23
1.7.x 1.21 1.23

* Due to a known issue with Kubernetes 1.23.0-1.23.2, support for 1.23 begins at 1.23.3.

Install Kyverno using Helm

Kyverno can be deployed via a Helm chart–the recommended method for a production install–which is accessible either through the Kyverno repo or on ArtifactHub.

In order to install Kyverno with Helm, first add the Kyverno Helm repository.

1helm repo add kyverno

Scan the new repository for charts.

1helm repo update

Optionally, show all available chart versions for Kyverno.

1helm search repo kyverno -l

Based on the manner in which you would like to install Kyverno, see either the High Availability or Standalone options below.

To install the Kyverno Pod Security Standard policies run the below Helm command after Kyverno has been installed.

1helm install kyverno-policies kyverno/kyverno-policies -n kyverno

High Availability

The official Helm chart is the recommended method of installing Kyverno in a production-grade, highly-available fashion as it provides all the necessary Kubernetes resources and configurations to meet production needs. By setting replicaCount=3, the following will be automatically created and configured as part of the defaults. This is not an exhaustive list and may change. For all of the default values, please see the Helm chart README keeping in mind the release branch. You should carefully inspect all available chart values and their defaults to determine what overrides, if any, are necessary to meet the particular needs of your production environment.

  • Kyverno running with three replicas
  • PodDisruptionBudget
  • Pod anti-affinity configured
  • Kyverno Namespace excluded

By default, starting with the Helm chart version 2.5.0, the Kyverno Namespace will be excluded using a namespaceSelector configured with the immutable label Additional Namespaces may be excluded by configuring chart values. Both namespaceSelector and objectSelector may be used for exclusions.

See also the Namespace selectors section below and especially the Security vs Operability section.

Use Helm 3.2+ to create a Namespace and install Kyverno.

1helm install kyverno kyverno/kyverno -n kyverno --create-namespace --set replicaCount=3

For Helm versions prior to 3.2, create a Namespace and then install the Kyverno Helm chart.

1kubectl create namespace kyverno
2helm install kyverno kyverno/kyverno -n kyverno --create-namespace --set replicaCount=3

Beginning with Kyverno 1.5.0 (Helm chart v2.1.0), the Kyverno Pod Security Standard policies must be added separately and after Kyverno is installed.

1helm install kyverno-policies kyverno/kyverno-policies -n kyverno


A “standalone” installation of Kyverno is suitable for lab, test/dev, or small environments where node count is less than three. It configures a single replica for the Kyverno Deployment and omits many of the production-grade components.

Use Helm 3.2+ to create a Namespace and install Kyverno.

1helm install kyverno kyverno/kyverno -n kyverno --create-namespace --set replicaCount=1

For Helm versions prior to 3.2, create a Namespace and then install the Kyverno Helm chart.

1kubectl create namespace kyverno
2helm install kyverno kyverno/kyverno -n kyverno --create-namespace --set replicaCount=1

To install pre-releases, add the --devel switch to Helm.

1helm install kyverno kyverno/kyverno -n kyverno --create-namespace --devel

Install Kyverno using YAMLs

Kyverno can also be installed using a single installation manifest, however for production installation the Helm chart is the recommended method.

This manifest path will always point to the latest main branch and is not guaranteed to be stable.

1kubectl create -f

You can also pull from a release branch to install the stable releases including release candidates.

1kubectl create -f

Security vs Operability

For a production installation, Kyverno should be installed in HA mode. Regardless of the installation method used for Kyverno, it is important to understand the risks associated with any webhook and how it may impact cluster operations and security especially in production environments. Kyverno configures its resource webhooks by default (but configurable) in fail closed mode. This means if the API server cannot reach Kyverno in its attempt to send an AdmissionReview request for a resource that matches a policy, the request will fail. For example, a validation policy exists which checks that all Pods must run as non-root. A new Pod creation request is submitted to the API server and the API server cannot reach Kyverno. Because the policy cannot be evaluated, the request to create the Pod will fail. Care must therefore be taken to ensure that Kyverno is always available or else configured appropriately to exclude certain key Namespaces, specifically that of Kyverno’s, to ensure it can receive those API requests. There is a tradeoff between security by default and operability regardless of which option is chosen.

The following combination may result in cluster inoperability if the Kyverno Namespace is not excluded:

  1. At least one Kyverno rule matching on Pods is configured in fail closed mode (the default setting).
  2. No Namespace exclusions have been configured for at least the Kyverno Namespace, possibly other key system Namespaces (ex., kube-system). This is not the default as of Helm chart version 2.5.0.
  3. All Kyverno Pods become unavailable due to a full cluster outage or improper scaling in of Nodes (for example, a cloud PaaS destroying too many Nodes in a node group as part of an auto-scaling operation without first cordoning and draining Pods).

If this combination of events occurs, the only way to recover is to manually delete the ValidatingWebhookConfigurations thereby allowing new Kyverno Pods to start up. Recovery steps are provided in the troubleshooting section.

By contrast, these operability concerns can be mitigated by making some security concessions. Specifically, by excluding the Kyverno and other system Namespaces during installation, should the aforementioned failure scenarios occur Kyverno should be able to recover by itself with no manual intervention. This is the default behavior as of the Helm chart version 2.5.0. However, configuring these exclusions means that subsequent policies will not be able to act on resources destined for those Namespaces as the API server has been told not to send AdmissionReview requests for them. Providing controls for those Namespaces, therefore, lies in the hands of the cluster administrator to implement, for example, Kubernetes RBAC to restrict who and what can take place in those excluded Namespaces.

The choices and their implications are therefore:

  1. Do not exclude system Namespaces, including Kyverno’s, (not default) during installation resulting in a more secure-by-default posture but potentially requiring manual recovery steps in some outage scenarios. This is the default posture unless overridden.
  2. Exclude system Namespaces during installation (default) resulting in easier cluster recovery but potentially requiring other methods to secure those Namespaces, for example with Kubernetes RBAC.

You should choose the best option based upon your risk aversion, needs, and operational practices.

Customize the installation of Kyverno

The picture below shows a typical Kyverno installation:

Kyverno Installation

If you wish to customize the installation of Kyverno to have certificates signed by an internal or trusted CA, or to otherwise learn how the components work together, follow the below guide.

Installing a specific version

To install a specific version, download install.yaml and then change the image tag.

e.g., change image tag from latest to the specific tag v1.3.0.

2  containers:
3    - name: kyverno
4      # image:
5      image:

To install in a specific namespace replace the namespace “kyverno” with your namespace.


1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Namespace
4  name: <namespace>
1apiVersion: v1
2kind: Service
4  labels:
5    app: kyverno
6  name: kyverno-svc
7  namespace: <namespace>

and in other places (ServiceAccount, ClusterRoles, ClusterRoleBindings, ConfigMaps, Service, Deployment) where Namespace is mentioned.

Alternatively, use Kustomize to replace the Namespace.

To run Kyverno:

1kubectl create -f ./install.yaml

To check the Kyverno controller status, run the command:

1kubectl get pods -n <namespace>

If the Kyverno controller is not running, you can check its status and logs for errors:

1kubectl describe pod <kyverno-pod-name> -n <namespace>
1kubectl logs -l -n <namespace>

Certificate Management

The Kyverno policy engine runs as an admission webhook and requires a CA-signed certificate and key to setup secure TLS communication with the kube-apiserver (the CA can be self-signed). There are two ways to configure secure communications between Kyverno and the kube-apiserver.

Option 1: Auto-generate a self-signed CA and certificate

Kyverno can automatically generate a new self-signed Certificate Authority (CA) and a CA signed certificate to use for webhook registration. This is the default behavior when installing Kyverno and expiration is set at one year. When Kyverno manage its own certificates, it will gracefully handle regeneration upon expiry.

1## Install Kyverno
2kubectl create -f

Also, by default Kyverno is installed in the kyverno Namespace. To install it in a different Namespace, you can edit install.yaml and update the Namespace.

To check the Kyverno controller status, run the command:

1## Check pod status
2kubectl get pods -n <namespace>

If the Kyverno controller is not running, you can check its status and logs for errors:

1kubectl describe pod <kyverno-pod-name> -n <namespace>
1kubectl logs -l -n <namespace>

Option 2: Use your own CA-signed certificate

You can install your own CA-signed certificate, or generate a self-signed CA and use it to sign a certificate. Once you have a CA and X.509 certificate-key pair, you can install these as Kubernetes Secrets in your cluster. If Kyverno finds these Secrets, it uses them. Otherwise it will create its own CA and sign a certificate from it (see Option 1 above). When you bring your own certificates, it is your responsibility to manage the regeneration/rotation process.

2.1. Generate a self-signed CA and signed certificate-key pair

If you already have a CA and a signed certificate, you can directly proceed to Step 2.

Below is a process which shows how to create a self-signed root CA, and generate a signed certificate and key using step CLI:

  1. Create a self-signed CA
1step certificate create kyverno-ca rootCA.crt rootCA.key --profile root-ca --insecure --no-password
  1. Generate a leaf certificate with a five-year expiration
1step certificate create kyverno-svc tls.crt tls.key --profile leaf \
2            --ca rootCA.crt --ca-key rootCA.key \
3            --san kyverno-svc --san kyverno-svc.kyverno --san kyverno-svc.kyverno.svc --not-after 43200h --insecure --no-password
  1. Verify the contents of the certificate
1step certificate inspect tls.crt --short

The certificate must contain the SAN information in the X509v3 extensions section:

1X509v3 extensions:
2    X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
3        DNS:kyverno-svc, DNS:kyverno-svc.kyverno, DNS:kyverno-svc.kyverno.svc
2.2. Configure Secrets for the CA and TLS certificate-key pair

You can now use the following files to create Secrets:

  • rootCA.crt
  • tls.crt
  • tls.key

To create the required Secrets, use the following commands (do not change the Secret names):

1kubectl create ns <namespace>
2kubectl create secret tls kyverno-svc.<namespace where Kyverno will be installed>.svc.kyverno-tls-pair --cert=tls.crt --key=tls.key -n <namespace>
3kubectl annotate secret kyverno-svc.<namespace where Kyverno will be installed>.kyverno-tls-pair self-signed-cert=true -n <namespace>
4kubectl create secret generic kyverno-svc.<namespace where Kyverno will be installed>.svc.kyverno-tls-ca --from-file=rootCA.crt -n <namespace>
5kubectl annotate secret kyverno-svc.<namespace where Kyverno will be installed>.svc.kyverno-tls-ca self-signed-cert=true -n <namespace>
Secret Data Content
kyverno-svc.<namespace where Kyverno will be installed>.svc.kyverno-tls-pair tls.key & tls.crt key and signed certificate
kyverno-svc.<namespace where Kyverno will be installed>.svc.kyverno-tls-ca rootCA.crt root CA used to sign the certificate

Kyverno uses Secrets created above to setup TLS communication with the kube-apiserver and specify the CA bundle to be used to validate the webhook server’s certificate in the admission webhook configurations.

This process has been automated for you with a simple script that generates a self-signed CA, a TLS certificate-key pair, and the corresponding Kubernetes secrets: helper script

2.3. Install Kyverno

You can now install Kyverno by selecting one of the available methods from the installation section above.

Roles and Permissions

Kyverno creates several Roles and RoleBindings, some of which need to be customized to allow access to sensitive cluster-wide resources.


Kyverno requires the following permissions:

  • create and update select resources in its namespace (e.g. Lease used for leader elections) and some cluster-wide resources (e.g. ValidatingWebhookConfiguration used for registering and managing webhooks).
  • create, update, delete, get, list, and watch Kyverno custom resources such as ClusterPolicy.
  • view, list, and watch resources to apply validation policy rules during background scans.
  • create, update, delete, get, list, and watch resources managed via generate policy rules.

Kyverno creates the following roles that are bound to the kyverno-service-account

Cluster Roles

The following ClusterRoles provide Kyverno with permissions to policies and other Kubernetes resources across all Namespaces:

  • kyverno:policies: manages policies, reports, generate requests, report change requests, and status
  • kyverno:view: views all resources
  • kyverno:generate: creates, updates, and deletes resources via generate policy rules
  • kyverno:events: creates, updates, and deletes events for policy results
  • kyverno:userinfo: query Roles and RoleBinding configurations to build variables with Role information.
  • kyverno:webhook: allows Kyverno to manage dynamic webhook configurations

For each ClusterRole a ClusterRoleBinding with the same name as the ClusterRole is used to bind the permissions to the kyverno-service-account.

Namespaced Roles

The following Roles provide Kyverno with permissions to manage select resources in the Kyverno Namespace:

  • kyverno:leaderelection: manage leases for leader election across replicas

For each Role a RoleBinding with the same name as the Role is used to bind the permissions to the kyverno-service-account.

Role aggregators

The following ClusterRoles are used to extend the default admin role with permissions to view and manage policy resources via role aggregation:

  • kyverno:admin-policies: allow admin role to manage Policies and ClusterPolicies
  • kyverno:admin-policyreport: allow admin role to manage PolicyReports and ClusterPolicyReports
  • kyverno:admin-reportchangerequest: allow admin role to manage ClusterReportChangeRequests and ClusterReportChangeRequests

Customizing Permissions

The default kyverno:view and kyverno:generate can be customized.

For example, if a CustomResource is added to the cluster the configured Roles can be extended to allow Kyverno permissions to generate and/or mutate the new resource type. Or, new ClusterRole/Role and ClusterRoleBinding/RoleBinding pairs can be created and mapped to the Kyverno ServiceAccount.

This sample configuration provides Kyverno additional permissions to generate clusterroles and clusterrolebindings:

 3kind: ClusterRole
 5  name: kyverno:generate-roles
 7- apiGroups:
 8  - "*"
 9  resources:
10  - clusterroles
11  - clusterrolebindings
12  verbs:
13  - create
14  - update
15  - delete
16  - list
17  - get
19kind: ClusterRoleBinding
22  name: kyverno:generate-roles
24  apiGroup:
25  kind: ClusterRole
26  name: kyverno:generate-roles
28- kind: ServiceAccount
29  name: kyverno-service-account

ConfigMap Flags

The following flags are used to control the behavior of Kyverno and must be set in the Kyverno ConfigMap.

  1. excludeGroupRole: excludeGroupRole role expected string with comma-separated group role. It will exclude all the group role from the user request. Default we are using system:serviceaccounts:kube-system,system:nodes,system:kube-scheduler.
  2. excludeUsername: excludeUsername expected string with comma-separated kubernetes username. In generate request if user enable Synchronize in generate policy then only kyverno can update/delete generated resource but admin can exclude specific username who have access of delete/update generated resource.
  3. resourceFilters: Kubernetes resources in the format “[kind,namespace,name]” where the policy is not evaluated by the admission webhook. For example –filterKind “[Deployment, kyverno, kyverno]” –filterKind “[Deployment, kyverno, kyverno],[Events, *, *]”.
  4. generateSuccessEvents: specifies whether (true/false) to generate success events. Default is set to “false”.
  5. webhooks: specifies the Namespace or object exclusion to configure in the webhooks managed by Kyverno.

Container Flags

The following flags can also be used to control the advanced behavior of Kyverno and must be set on the main kyverno container in the form of arguments.

  1. -v: Sets the verbosity level of Kyverno log output. Takes an integer from 1 to 6 with 6 being the most verbose. Level 4 shows variable substitution messages.
  2. profile: setting this flag to ‘true’ will enable profiling.
  3. profilePort: specifies port to enable profiling at, defaults to 6060.
  4. metricsPort: specifies the port to expose prometheus metrics, default to port 8000.
  5. genWorkers: the number of workers for processing generate policies concurrently. Default is set to 10.
  6. disableMetrics: specifies whether (true/false) to enable exposing the metrics. Default is set to ‘false’.
  7. backgroundScan: the interval (like 30s, 15m, 12h) for background processing. Default is set to 1h.
  8. imagePullSecrets: specifies secret resource names for image registry access credentials.
  9. autoUpdateWebhooks: Set this flag to ‘false’ to disable auto-configuration of the webhook. With this feature disabled, Kyverno creates a default webhook configuration (which match all kinds of resources), therefore, webhooks configuration via the configmap will be ignored. However, the user still can modify it by patching the webhook resource manually. Default is set to ‘true’.
  10. imageSignatureRepository: specifies alternate repository for image signatures. Can be overridden per rule via verifyImages.Repository.
  11. webhookRegistrationTimeout: specifies the length of time Kyverno will try to register webhooks with the API server. Defaults to 120s.
  12. clientRateLimitQPS: configure the maximum QPS to the control plane from Kyverno. Uses the client default if zero. Example: 20
  13. clientRateLimitBurst: configure the maximum burst for throttling. Uses the client default if zero. Example: 50
  14. webhookTimeout: specifies the timeout for webhooks. After the timeout passes, the webhook call will be ignored or the API call will fail based on the failure policy. The timeout value must be between 1 and 30 seconds, defaults to 10s.
  15. autogenInternals: New in Kyverno 1.7.0, this flag activates the (currently beta) auto-generate rule calculation to not write to the .spec field of Kyverno policies. This is under construction and the behavior will change in the future. Set to false by default. Set to true to activate this ability.

Policy Report access

During the Kyverno installation, it creates a ClusterRole kyverno:admin-policyreport which has permission to perform all operations on resources policyreport and clusterpolicyreport. To grant access to a Namespace admin, configure the following YAML file then apply to the cluster.

  • Replace metadata.namespace with Namespace of the admin
  • Configure subjects field to bind admin’s role to the ClusterRole policyviolation
 2kind: RoleBinding
 4  name: policyviolation
 5  # change namespace below to create rolebinding for the namespace admin
 6  namespace: default
 8  apiGroup:
 9  kind: ClusterRole
10  name: kyverno:admin-policyreport
12# configure below to access policy violation for the namespace admin
13- kind: ServiceAccount
14  name: default
15  namespace: default
16# - apiGroup:
17#   kind: User
18#   name:
19# - apiGroup:
20#   kind: Group
21#   name:


Starting with Kyverno 1.5.0, the mutatingWebhookConfiguration and the validatingWebhookConfiguration resources are registered and managed dynamically based on the configured policies. Prior to 1.5.0, Kyverno uses a wildcard webhook that allowed it to receive admission requests for all resources. With the webhook auto-configuration feature, Kyverno now only receives admission requests for select resources, hence preventing unnecessary admission requests being forwarded to Kyverno.

Additionally, the failurePolicy and webhookTimeoutSeconds policy configuration options allow granular control of webhook settings. By default, policies will be configured to “fail-closed” (i.e. the admission request will fail if the webhook invocation has an unexpected error or a timeout) unless the failurePolicy is set to Ignore.

This feature is enabled by default in 1.5.0+ but can be turned off by the flag --autoUpdateWebhooks=false. If disabled, Kyverno creates the default webhook configurations that forwards admission requests for all resources and with FailurePolicy set to Ignore.

The spec.failurePolicy and spec.webhookTimeoutSeconds and policy configuration fields allow per-policy settings which are automatically aggregated and used to register the required set of webhook configurations.

Prior to 1.5.0, by default, the Kyverno webhook will process all API server requests for all Namespaces and the policy application was filtered using Resource Filters and Namespace Selectors discussed below.

Resource Filters

Resource filters are a way to instruct Kyverno which AdmissionReview requests sent by the API server to disregard. This is not the same ability as configuration of the webhook. The Kubernetes kinds that should be ignored by policies can be filtered by adding a ConfigMap in Namespace kyverno and specifying the resources to be filtered under data.resourceFilters. The default name of this ConfigMap is kyverno but can be changed by modifying the value of the environment variable INIT_CONFIG in the Kyverno deployment spec. data.resourceFilters must be a sequence of one or more [<Kind>,<Namespace>,<Name>] entries with * as a wildcard. Thus, an item [Node,*,*] means that admissions of kind Node in any namespace and with any name will be ignored. Wildcards are also supported in each of these sequences. For example, this sequence filters out kind Pod in namespace foo-system having names beginning with redis.


By default a number of kinds are skipped in the default configuration including Nodes, Events, APIService, SubjectAccessReview, and more.

1apiVersion: v1
2kind: ConfigMap
4  name: kyverno
5  namespace: kyverno
7  # resource types to be skipped by Kyverno
8  resourceFilters: '[Event,*,*][*,kube-system,*][*,kube-public,*][*,kube-node-lease,*][Node,*,*][APIService,*,*][TokenReview,*,*][SubjectAccessReview,*,*][SelfSubjectAccessReview,*,*][*,kyverno,*][Binding,*,*][ReplicaSet,*,*][ReportChangeRequest,*,*][ClusterReportChangeRequest,*,*]'

To modify the ConfigMap, either directly edit the ConfigMap kyverno in the default configuration inside install.yaml and redeploy it or modify the ConfigMap using kubectl. Changes to the ConfigMap through kubectl will automatically be picked up at runtime. Resource filters may also be configured at installation time via a Helm value.

Namespace Selectors

In some cases, it is desired to limit those to certain Namespaces based upon labels. Kyverno can filter on these Namespaces using a namespaceSelector object by adding a new webhooks object to the ConfigMap. For example, in the below snippet, the webhooks object has been added with a namespaceSelector object which will filter on Namespaces with the label environment=prod. The webhooks key only accepts as its value a JSON-formatted namespaceSelector object. Note that when installing Kyverno via the Helm chart and setting Namespace exclusions, it will cause this webhooks object to be automatically created in the Kyverno ConfigMap. As of the Helm chart v2.5.0, the Kyverno Namespace is excluded by default.

1apiVersion: v1
3  resourceFilters: '[Event,*,*][*,kube-system,*][*,kube-public,*][*,kube-node-lease,*][Node,*,*][APIService,*,*][TokenReview,*,*][SubjectAccessReview,*,*][SelfSubjectAccessReview,*,*][*,kyverno,*][Binding,*,*][ReplicaSet,*,*][ReportChangeRequest,*,*][ClusterReportChangeRequest,*,*]'
4  webhooks: '[{"namespaceSelector":{"matchExpressions":[{"key":"","operator":"NotIn","values":["kyverno"]}]}}]'
5kind: ConfigMap
7  name: kyverno
8  namespace: kyverno

Upgrading Kyverno

Upgrading Kyverno is as simple as applying the new YAML manifest, or using Helm depending on how it was installed.

Upgrade Kyverno with YAML manifest

Apply the new manifest over the existing installation.

1kubectl apply -f

Upgrade Kyverno with Helm

Kyverno can be upgraded like any other Helm chart.

Scan your Helm repositories for updated charts.

1helm repo update

Show the versions of the Kyverno chart which are available. To see pre-release charts, add the --devel flag to the helm command.

1helm search repo kyverno

Run the upgrade command picking the target version.

1helm upgrade kyverno kyverno/kyverno --namespace kyverno --version <version_number>

Below are the steps to upgrade Kyverno to 1.5.0 from 1.4.3. The upgrade to 1.5.0+ requires first removing the old CRDs chart.

First take a backup of all cluster policies not added by Helm:

1kubectl get clusterpolicy -l!=Helm -A -o yaml > kyverno-policies.yaml

Perform the upgrade

1helm uninstall kyverno --namespace kyverno
2helm uninstall kyverno-crds --namespace kyverno
3helm install kyverno kyverno/kyverno --namespace kyverno --version <version_number>

Restore Kyverno cluster policies

1kubectl apply -f kyverno-policies.yaml

Uninstalling Kyverno

To uninstall Kyverno, use either the raw YAML manifest or Helm. The Kyverno deployment, RBAC resources, and all CRDs will be removed, including any reports.

Option 1 - Uninstall Kyverno with YAML manifest

1kubectl delete -f

Option 2 - Uninstall Kyverno with Helm

1helm uninstall kyverno kyverno/kyverno --namespace kyverno

Clean up Webhook Configurations

Kyverno by default will try to clean up all its webhook configurations when terminated. But in cases where its RBAC resources are removed first, it will lose the permission to do so properly.

Regardless which uninstallation method is chosen, webhooks will need to be manually removed as the final step. Use the below commands to delete those webhook configurations.

1kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfigurations kyverno-policy-mutating-webhook-cfg kyverno-resource-mutating-webhook-cfg kyverno-verify-mutating-webhook-cfg
3kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfigurations kyverno-policy-validating-webhook-cfg kyverno-resource-validating-webhook-cfg

Last modified July 17, 2023 at 3:33 PM PST: Update (#916) (78ab13a)